privacy and policy
This site contains links to third-party websites. The Publisher is not responsible for the actions of these third parties, including their privacy practices and any content posted on their websites. We invite you to review those privacy policies to learn more about what, why, and how they collect and use personal information.
The Publisher adheres to industry-recognized standards to secure any personal information in our possession, and to secure it from unauthorized and forced access. Without prejudice to this, we remind you that as in all online actions, it is possible that third parties may illegally intercept transmissions of personal information, or other users of the site may misuses or abuse your personal information that they may collect from the Site.
The Publisher uses third-party advertising companies including eXelate and others to serve our advertisements on the Site. These third-party advertising companies use cookies and 1×1 pixel .gifs or web guides to measure and improve the effectiveness of ads for their customers. To do that, those companies may use anonymous information about your visits to our website and other websites, but they will not collect any information that can personally identify you or be connected to you. This information may include: display date/time of the ad banner, the banner of the ad that was displayed, your cookie, and the IP address. This information may also be used for online market preference purposes.
Cookies Policy
We use cookies programs on the Portal to obtain information about Users. Cookies are a small data file that is stored on your device (e.g. mobile device or computer) when you use the Portal and stores information about your devices, steps and settings for a certain period of time. The cookie will allow the Portal to recognize your browser or store your settings and other information the next time you visit. This is common practice of most web portals.